Sanyo Pancake Stepper Motor: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 42×11.6mm, 3.5V, 1 A/Phase
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£69.34 £57.78
This pancake bipolar stepping motor from Sanyo has a 1.8° step angle (200 steps/revolution).
It offers a holding torque of 850 g-cm (12 oz-in), and each phase draws 1 A at 3.5 V.
This stepper motor’s flat profile (18.6 mm including the shaft) allows it to be used in places where more traditional stepper motors would be too bulky
The motor has four colour-coded wires terminated with bare leads: red and yellow connect to one coil; orange and blue connect to the other.
- Size: 42 mm square × 11.6 mm, (not including the shaft)
- Weight: 70 g (2.5 oz)
- Shaft diameter: 5 mm
General Specification:
- Shaft type: single shaft - length 5mm
- Steps per revolution: 200
- Current rating: 1A (per coil)
- Voltage rating: 3.5 V
- Holding torque: 850 g-cm (30 oz-in)
- Resistance: 3.5 Ohm per coil
- Inductance: 1.2 mH per coil
- Number of leads: 4
- Lead length: 30 cm (12″)
- Output shaft supported by two ball bearings