1106_0 Phidget Force Sensor

£8.57 £7.14

The 1106 reads 0 when no force is applied. As force increases on the circular button the value increases towards 1000.


It is intended as a user input device (i.e. recognizing that someone is pushing a button).

The 1106 is not accurate enough to be used as a weight measurement device and is not designed to have force applied constantly over time.

Comes packaged with:

Sensor Properties

Sensor Type


Controlled By

VoltageRatio Input

Sensor Output Type


Force Min

0 N

Force Max

39.2 N

Electrical Properties

Current Consumption Max

500 μA

Output Impedance

10 kΩ

Physical Properties

Operating Temperature Min

10 °C

Operating Temperature Max

40 °C


100000 actuations