Standard Duty Worm Drive Pan Kit (24:1 Ratio)
This gearbox utilizes a 24:1 ratio worm-drive reduction for applications that require extremely slow and smooth rotational motion.
- Weight: 263.6 grams
- Payload: 9 kgs
The worm-drive design not only minimizes backlash but also eliminates back-driving the gearmotor so a position can be held even when power is not applied.
The 8mm REX stainless steel output shaft is supported by dual ball bearings to support a load from any orientation. The acetal and aluminium structure provides a rigid framework without adding unnecessary weight and is easily mounted to any flat surface by utilizing the base mounting tabs.
This gearbox is perfect for turn-tables, time-lapse systems and low-speed applications that require high precision and torque.
Motor RPM required = 1 / (minutes per rotation desired / 24)
Example: 1 / (10 minutes per rotation / 24) = 2.4 RPM motor needed to achieve 10 minutes per rotation (at max speed)