Sabertooth 5A Motor Driver For R/C

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Sabertooth 2X5 R/C is a dual motor driver specifically optimized for use in radio controlled vehicles.

It is suitable for small robots, cars and boats, and especially well suited for the Antweight and Beetleweight classes of fighting robots.

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Out of the box, it can supply two DC brushed motors with up to 5A each. Peak currents of 10A are achievable for a few seconds.

Overcurrent and thermal protection means you'll never have to worry about killing the driver with accidental stalls or by hooking up too big a motor.
This R/C version comes with an invert channel and options for exponential control, autocalibration and built-in mixing.

The operating mode is set with the onboard DIP switches so there are no jumpers to lose.

  • Size: 45 x 40 x 13 mm
  • Weight: 21g