- Categories: Information & Product Review
A Smarter Way to Build With Arduino
Whether you work in a lab, industry or in education, you will know that you need a certain amount of equipment while you are building, now there's a smart, neat way to win back some space. A better way to work with the TOTEM Mini Lab. The Mini lab replaces much of the clutter you use designing, building and testing... - Categories: blog
Why should robots be used in schools?
With robots slowly infiltrating our daily lives, surely there should be more of them in schools helping children get used to working alongside automation and gaining experience in Technology and Science subjects which are coming to dominate the workplace. So, why should schools start using robots in their lessons? Continue reading → - Categories: blog
Tips for teaching coding
If you’re an educator at any level, you will be one of the first to know just how quickly the curriculum moves in terms of computer science and STEM subjects. Not only are pupils expected to be at a certain level of literacy, numeracy included, but they’re also supposed to be computer literate and now, you’re also expected to introduce them to coding and programming. While this might seem like a daunting task, we have your back, here are some tips to help start you off with teaching coding. Continue reading →