General News Snippets
- In the 2012/2013 academic year, the Department of Education in the United Kingdom launched a pilot project to explore the potential of 3D printers in school curriculum at 21 schools. Continue reading →
- Categories: General News Snippets
Active Robots Gladiator event
Active Robots joined forces with a number of primary schools, from the Bath & North East Somerset Area, for ‘Robot Gladiators’. Continue reading → - 3D Printing has taken the world by storm with its great ability to produce many items without using top machinery. Here are our favourite 6 things you didn't know they made with 3D Printing. Continue reading →
- Categories: General News Snippets
A Look at Robot Sensors
A robotic sensor is, as the name suggests, a device that allows a robotic device to ‘sense’ some aspect of its environment, such as the presence of obstacles, and react accordingly. Robotic sensors can be considered the ‘eyes and ears’ of a robot. Active Robots takes A Look at Robot Sensors. Continue reading → - Categories: General News Snippets
Role of Robots in the Classroom
Robots, or robotic devices, are commonplace in everyday life and are increasingly being employed as teaching tools in schools, colleges and universities. Active Robots explore the Role of Robots in the Classroom. Continue reading → - Categories: General News Snippets
Robots and Society
The past few decades have witnessed the increasing role that robots play in society. Often we take Robots and Society role for granted and naturally, it becomes easy for forget what they actually do in the world in which we live. Continue reading → - Categories: General News Snippets
3D Printing set to take over
3D Printing is set to take over; it is a revolutionary piece of technology which allows solid three-dimensional objects to be produced from a digital file. It can be used in a wide range of industries from producing car parts to making implants and many other products. Continue reading → - Categories: General News Snippets
Graham Norton Appearance
A Nao Humanoid Robot was the star of the Graham Norton Television show despite sharing the bill with worldwide celebrity actors including Bafta winner Gary Oldman, Oscars-nominee Toni Collette, and Shaun of the Dead start Nick Frost. Continue reading → - Honda's Asimo robot demonstrated its running and football skills, fielding a powerful kick and then celebrating by hopping on one leg. Continue reading →