Distance Phidget

£36.72 £30.60

Measure distances up to 170mm with this infrared time-of-flight sensor.

Connects to a VINT port.


Do you need a sensor that can measure short distances or detect the motion of objects passing by? This Phidget uses infrared light and a time-of-flight calculation to determine how far away an object is.

It can report the distance of the object it's pointed at as often as every 100 milliseconds, and will throw a out-of-range event when the distance exceeds the sensor's maximum range. Since infrared light is what it uses for the measurement, highly reflective objects will be easier to measure.

The DST1000 connects to a VINT hub

Note: The label on the enclosure that reads "0-200mm" is innacurate. In optimal conditions, this sensor will have a maximum distance of approximately 170mm.